Monday, 23 April 2012

Pros and Cons

Pro of having a live performance are that it would be easy to conduct and watchable and it doesn't cost a lot to produce and its less time consuming. A cons of this could be get boring to watch.Pros of doing a narrative is it can interesting to watch and very fun to shoot and also the audience can relate to the song/video and could also attracts attention. A con of a narrative could be it can be very time consuming and costly or may not be able to portray story properly which could may confuse viewers.Pros of doing a narrative which follows a film theme track can be interesting to view and fun to produce and also it would be a opportunity to meet new people and advertise a movie so people watch it. however a con fo this would be it would be costly and very time consuming and may not be able to get hold permission from film makers.Pros of the mixed track video are that it will be interesting to watch and it's different and that it would be nice to see different performances than just one.however the cons for this track would that it may not sound nice and it could be costly and very time consuming - for both music production AND video.

Mind map of ideas

Budget for music video

For our music video we didn't have a budget as most of our equipment was borrowed from our school for free this was quite lucky for us. as to hire a professional camera would cost around £52.50 for only 3 days. it would work out cheaper to buy a camera and use it for longer then 3 days, as they cost around £200. for other equipment we used within our music video, such as a tripod and a guitar, we also borrowed theses from our school free of charge. However to hire these normally would cost a little bit, a  tripod to hire would cost £30 for only 3 days a cheaper option for this is to buy one from amazon for only £14. The guitar we borrowed from our schools music department would usually cost around £50 for a day to buy on would be around £135. thanks to our school we saved at least  £132.50.

Monday, 2 April 2012

Research Techniques for Media

Types of resarch:
  • Primary research — this is when the researcher has researcher has conducted it themselves. Primary data is used in media because people conduct their own music videos, documentaries, blogs etc.
  • Secondary research - summary, collation or a synthesis of someones existing work research
  • Qualitative research - the research that goes in to detail, the research is often used as a method of exploratory research as a basis for later qualitative research hypotheses.
  • Quantitative  research - research that depends on the amount of research in the detail on the document.
Methods of resarch incldue:
Manual reasearch/Primary resarch:
Primary research is viewed as more time consuming and exhausting to do. The other method of research is internet based, when the finder surfs the internet to look for existing documents, this is known as secondary research.

Evaluation of finished music video

The group i was involved in worked well together and we made a good team and all agreed on the right song to pick and we didn't really have any problems with coming up with ideas. myself and Daniel were comfortable with being the actors within the video and Jasreet doing all the camera work,  there were no problems on which roles we had. everyone was comfortable with the given role.

2. The problems we faced through out the production of our music video were our group not having enough time to finish our video and not always having the right equipment and the equipment not always working or the battery time had finished while recording. the way we overcame this was by asking  if we could extend our time or film in our own time and making sure our equipment worked and everything was fully charged before going off site.

3. If we added some improvements such as better camera quality and better camera shots it would make the music video look more professional compared to actual music videos.

4. the audience found our music video pretty impressive however they made some points where we can improve on such as using a better camera and better places to take shots i have learnt from this because next time i can act on it.

5. in this music video we used software such as adobe photoshop, this helped us to edit and create scenes and images and also create our storyboard. we also used adobe premier to edit the clips and put them together. this helped us to shorten and lengthen the clips so that the music video would be in sync. this software also helped us to edit our scenes e.g. at the end of the video we zoomed into the ground to create a falling effect.